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Solo Aircraft Engine Service Manual

카테고리 없음

by ununlofor1976 2020. 3. 4. 08:19


SOLO ENGINE CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTII CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT - Both the idle mixture adjusting screw and the mainjet adjusting screw are for adjusting fuel/air mixture. Turning either screwclockwise (closing jet) will reduce the amount of fuel being mixed with the aircausing the mixture to become leaner. Turning either screw counterclockwise(opening jet) will increase the amount of fuel being mixed with the air, and themixture becomes richer.

Basically, the idle mixture screw affects the mixture atidle RPM, and the main jet adjusting screw affects the mixture at cruising.speeds and above. At speeds between idle and cruise, both jets may be partlyactive, varying with the throttle setting.IF THE ENGINE does not smoke, idles smoothly and quietly accelerates withoutstalling, and cruises with steady power, the carburetor needs no furtheradjustment.ASSUMING THAT there are no other problems such as an air leak under thecarburetor or adapter1 or ignition trouble), yet the engine still runs rough andpossibly smokes lack) heavily1 then the mixture is to rich. If the engine popsor backfires thru the carburetor, or hesitates during acceleration, the mixtureis too lean. In either case, the engine will not deliver full power.IF THE MIXTURE is too lean, an engine may not start for lack of fuel; if toorich, an engine may not start because it becomes flooded.FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE DIFFICULTIES, ADJUST THE CARBURETOR As FOLLOWS(a) Close the idle mixture and main jet adjusting screws, turning them in aclockwise direction.CAUTION: Carefully turn the screws only until they can be felt to havetouched their seats. Too much pressure can change the shape of their needlepoints and the jets, making proper adjustment difficult or even impossible.(b)If the engine has been flooded, open the throttle and the choke. UltralightNewsCovering the World of Ultralight Aviation.Use this box to search our sites or the web!WebUltralightNews.caUltralightNews.comUltralightFlyer.comUltralight Aircraft News Web Magazine Covering the World of Ultralight Aviation Canada. You may link to these pages or printthem out for your own personal use, but no part of thispublication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed,stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computerlanguage, in any form or by any means, electronicmechanical,manual, or otherwisewithout the written permission of Ultralight News.

Aircraft Powerplant


Solo Kleinmotoren Gmbh

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